Customer Satisfaction

Epoxy Floor Coating, Garage Floor Coating, Polyaspartic, Uncategorized

Customer satisfaction is very important


Customer satisfaction should be the utmost priority for any contractor. There are many different aspects that go into customer satisfaction, and no matter how small or large they all add up to the overall experience. A contractor’s goal should always be to leave the customer as happy as possible. In this blog we will discuss what to expect from a good contractor when getting an epoxy floor coating system installed. 


Customer Satisfaction in the Communication Process


From when the phone first rings until even after the job is complete, it is important for the contractor to stay in communication with the customer. This can do anything from giving the customer peace of mind to preventing any mistakes due to miscommunications. Our communication process goes as follows


Customer calls with inquiry- When we get an inquiry from a customer, the first thing we do is identify what the customer wants as well as the area we will be working with. We then tell the customer our entire work process. This gives them an understanding of what we do in each step, and why each step is important. We not only want to inform the customer, we want to give them an understanding.


Scheduling the quote- If the customer decides they want a firm quote we will exchange contact information with the customer, double checking that all information is correct and testing to see if the line of communication is working. We then will schedule a date for the quote, making sure to remind the customer at least 24 hours in advance. During the quote, the contractor explains the process again, allowing the customer to ask any questions in person.


Scheduling the job- If the customer is happy with what was quoted and decides to move forward with the job, an installation date will be scheduled. Here is when the contractor will go over every step that the customer needs to complete before beginning the job, such as moving things out of the garage. This is also when your contractor should go over any disclaimers, letting the customer know any potential risks involved in the process. Your contractor should be sending reminders before the job begins, preferably a reminder 1 week out from installation, and another reminder 24 hours out. Sometimes things slip the mind, which is why multiple reminders is the safest option.


Jobsite arrival- Upon jobsite arrival, it is important for your contractor to brief you on the process that will be taking place that day. Your contractor should review the work order with the customer and double check to make sure everything is correct. Are they coating up to the garage door or the threshold? Are they coating stem walls or a staircase? Do they have the correct color chips? These are all questions that are important to be on the same page about.


Jobsite departure- Upon completion of the job, it is important for your contractor to brief you on some things. The first thing is the waiting period before moving things back into the garage. Your contractor should tell you when you will be able to walk on the floor, when you can move small things back in, and when you can move cars back in. Then, your contractor should tell you any maintenance or cleaning tips. Finally, once the payment is collected, the contractor should thank you for your business. Upon job completion, it’s important the contractor keeps your contact information in case anything goes wrong in the future.


Customer Satisfaction in Jobsite Protection


Installing epoxy floor coating systems can be quite the messy process. Whether it’s concrete dust that will find its way into small nooks and crannies, or epoxy that can permanently bond to surfaces, it is important for your contractor to protect your property from getting dirty or damaged. With proper precautions, your contractor can prevent any potential mishaps. Jobsite protection becomes even more important for indoor installations. Protective plastic sheeting is a very versatile way to protect your belongings. Be sure to inform your contractor of any items you want to be protected prior to installation.


Customer Satisfaction in Jobsite Cleanup


Another important aspect of customer satisfaction is jobsite cleanup. It is not good practice to leave the customer with a giant mess they need to clean up. Your contractor should clean up any visible dust, debris, tape, etc. that may be left behind. Clearing the driveway of contaminants is a must. When chips or concrete dust get wet, they will stick to the driveway, becoming a pain to remove. Plus, it minimizes the risk of contaminants blowing onto the wet epoxy coats. Overall, your contractor should leave the place as clean as it was when they started.


In Conclusion


Overall, it is very important for the customer to be happy with every aspect of the process. It not only benefits the customer, it can benefit the contractor by leading to more jobs and a better reputation. If your contractor provides you with a great customer experience, consider filling out a google review. This lets others know about your great experience.